Easy Lemonade Recipe

Happy Friday.
It's a snowy April day here in Ontario, Canada so I thought today would be the perfect day to bring some spring/summer vibes onto the blog in hopes that Mother Nature takes some hints. 
Last week, my oldest daughter had a friend over to play and they asked if they could bake something together.
 I hardly had any baking ingredients in the house, but I did have a whole bag of lemons that we decided to use to make lemonade! 
The recipe for this lemonade is super easy and it's a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen. 
There are so many benefits to bringing kids in the kitchen from teamwork to just general life skills!

Easy Lemonade Recipe

1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 lemons sliced 
5 cups cold water
1 cup of sugar

1. Combine lemon juice, water and sugar until sugar is dissolved.
2. Garnish with sliced lemons.
3. Serve with ice and enjoy!


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