I shared about our morning at the incredible Reggio Emelia inspired creative studio space on Instagram last week but I was so inspired by the experience that I had to share about it here as well.
The creator of this magical space is the incredible Joanne Babalis.
Joanne is a former Kindergarten teacher, wife, mother, artist, photographer and is currently completing her PHD at York University.
She created this beautiful space in her home and offers workshops for educators, parents & children.
The Reggio Emelia approach encourages children to be the leader in their learning and Joannes studio space is set up in a way that there are learning opportunities in every corner.
The girls were immediately drawn to the table in the centre of the studio that held a variety of art tools from watercolours to pencil crayons and pastels while Luca was drawn to the sensory bins set up in the learning space.
Joanne also offers photography packages when you visit her studio.
All the photos in this post were taken by her.
All the photos in this post were taken by her.
This beautiful photo backdrop is actually part of the studio play space and the children are encouraged to play and explore while being photographed.
If you would love to check out the space for yourself click HERE for more info.
You can also find her on Instagram HERE.
You can also find her on Instagram HERE.
Kelsey this is so incredibly kind of you to share ! Thank you ! I know the time and energy that goes behind these posts !! Glad you enjoyed your experience as much as I enjoyed hosting your lovely family !! Xoxo Joanne Babalis