On being a working Mama - Part 1

4 years ago when I was pregnant with our 1st daughter, Emma, the topic of being a Stay at Home Mama was discussed a lot!
Louis and I both firmly believed that if we were to start a family I would be the one raising them not paying someone else to raise our child(ren) for us.
Fast forward to when Emma was 7 months old and I made the decision to go back to work.
The 3 of us were living in 1 bedroom at my dads house and desperately wanted to buy our own house and the only way this was going to happen was if I helped financially.
I decided to have the best of both worlds and stay home with our daughter in the day and work nights and some weekends.
This way Louis and I were raising our baby and I could still contribute financially.
Fast forward a few months and I even began watching 3 other kids around the same age and working nights and weekends.
It was exhausting to say the least but I was happy to be at home raising our little girl and contributing financially.
It paid off and shortly after we bought our 1st home when I was only 20 years old and hubby was 23 years old.
Shortly after that we became pregnant for the second time with our sweet daughter Audrey.
I stopped doing home daycare due to some pregnancy complications but continued working nights and weekends.
Towards the end of my second pregnancy I was given a new job opportunity at my work to work full time hours.
I believe I was about 5.5 months pregnant and after much thought we decided I would work 4 days a week to get better maternity leave pay.
Emma was around 19.5 months old when I started going to work days.
I had never left her before with someone other than family or longer than a few hours at a time.
Luckily I had a great neighbour who provided home daycare that I could send Emma to.
Leaving for work that first day I felt like I was going to be sick all day long.
I had never missed anybody so much.
I felt panic and guilt and my heart ached so much.
It made my heart feel a bit more at ease to see Emma having so much fun with her friends at daycare but what really kept me going was knowing that in a few short months I would be back at home caring for my little princess with a new baby girl too.
Hubby and I had come to the decision that after baby #2 arrived I would stay at home for good.
Fast forward to today and I am a working mama again...
Stay tuned for Part 2

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