5 Years

                         Happy 5 Years to Us

                   5 years ago today we became husband and wife.

                             3 Kids and a Dog named Miley later and
I am just as crazy in love with you as I was when I was a 16 year old hormonal teenager.

We have a real forever kind of love and I am so grateful for you everyday.

You are the best friend and husband I could have ever dreamed of.
Remember when everyone told us we were too young to be so in love?
Looks like we are still proving them wrong.
You are the only man who could ever put up with my crazy self and our children are so lucky to call you Dad.
Your big heart makes me smile everyday.
Even in my lowest moments you still manage to make me feel like your princess.

Here's to a lifetime of pure love and chaos :)

Thank you for giving me the most beautiful life.

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