When your a mom sometimes a shower can feel like a vacation. Sometimes I lock the door and just sit for a good 10 minutes beside the shower before even going in so I can have those 10 minutes of me time that are so needed in a busy mommy day. This weekend I was lucky enough to get to escape on a real mini vacation. I went up north to my best friends cottage for a girls weekend. It has been over 2 years since the last time I slept away from my kids and husband
And it was wonderful. (Although I missed my family like crazy) I layed in the sun, drank wine, read magazines in peace and laughed with good friends. On Sunday I drove home from the cottage and picked up my husband to go downtown to meet my mom, nani, brother and step dad to go see Queen with Adam Lambert at the Air Canada Centre. The show was incredible but I couldn't wait to get home to my babies. It's funny how when your in the chaotic day to day moments of being a mom you find yourself caught in thoughts of what life would be like if you had all the freedom in the world again but take me away from my babies for 1 night and although I loved every minute of relaxation I found myself craving the chaos and cuddles.
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