Balancing it all .... An Update & some words to other overwhelmed Mamas

Some of you might remember back in June when I wrote a post titled Balancing Act.
I wrote about how overwhelmed I was feeling and how I basically didn't have it all together.
That post is one of my most viewed posts on this blog and I have to think that the reason it is read so often is because many other women feel the same way I was feeling when I wrote it. 
Looking back now I was actually way more overwhelmed than I had even recognised at the time and
I'm so happy I wrote that post because it made me reevaluate some things and really change my life around and I know you can do the same.
Of course as a young mother to three littles I still feel overwhelmed at times but nothing like I was feeling back in June and heres why.

I Let go of the guilt 
When I wrote the Balancing Act post I was feeling really guilty.
Why was I not enjoying every single moment of motherhood? 
Let's face it, every mom experiences mommy guilt at some point.
Maybe you feel guilty you can't afford to throw that over the top pinterest birthday party that your daughters best friend had, maybe you feel guilty that you enjoy being a working mom, maybe your a stay at home mom feeling guilty for not working outside of the home,or maybe like me your feeling guilty that not every second of motherhood is sunshine and roses. Whatever form of guilt your feeling Let it Go. Seriously mama's - take Elsa's advice and just let it go. It isn't doing anyone any good and you are doing the best you can and that is enough.

I don't let the mess get to me
This one is admittedly harder on my OCD husband than myself but I've learned to live with the mess and almost enjoy it. Kids are messy - lets all accept this and move on.
Of course we should be teaching our littles to pick up after themselves but I promise you there will be toys on the floor and crumbs in the kitchen 90% of the day and that is Okay.
Our kids are growing so fast and I'm told that one day we are even going to miss this mess.
So look around at the mess and instead of feeling frustrated that your house doesn't look like a page from House & Home Magazine embrace it because this won't last forever.
I wrote a post on my messy house here.

I Stopped trying to do it all and let go of perfection
It is not possible to do it all. 
There are simply not enough hours in the day.
Your kids don't have to go to a playgroup every day, you don't have to look like your about to attend a Hollywood event to go grocery shopping and guess what - your not a horrible mom if you don't cook gourmet meals every night for your family.
If you're anything like me your feeling happiest when your kept busy and that is perfectly okay.
What's not okay is when you feel down because not everything is being done right this second and nothing is as perfect as you hoped for.

Surround yourself with Positive People 
Positive Vibes. Positive Life.


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