Honest Motherhood

I can't say it was a surprise having three littles by age 24. My whole life I was the little girl dreaming of having a big family and I was lucky enough to meet my soulmate at the young age of 16. I was surprised though, that motherhood didn't come as naturally to me as I thought it would. I was the child hogging babies at family functions, the teenager who would rather spend her weekends taking her little niece out for ice cream than going to a party but When your really living motherhood it's a whole different story. The days are long & exhausting and you are tested in more ways than you could possibly imagine. And still on the worst of days where babies are teething, toddlers are questioning and schoolagers are testing their attitude on you, when your babies fall asleep you miss them instantly. I love photographs because even if the moments before or after the photo were taken were chaotic, when you look at that still moment your reminded of what it's all about - those perfect moments in between. 

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