What To See In Tulsa, Oklahoma : The Philbrook Museum Of Art

We just arrived back in Canada after an AMAZING family road trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma. 
When I told people we were visiting Tulsa, the response was usually "out of all the plans in the world  - why would you visit Oklahoma?"
These people don't know what they are missing out on. 
20+ hours in the car with the family was well worth the experiences we had in Tulsa, Ok.
The people are kind beyond belief, everyone treated us as if we were family, going out of their way to make us feel at home.
Not only did we meet some of the nicest people we've ever met, there is SO much to do in Tulsa, OK.
While we were there, three festivals were going on : Blue Dome, Mayfest and The Hop Jam.
It is such a family Oriented city with all kinds of activities for children.

Our first stop in Tulsa was the Philbrook Museum.
The Phillbrook Museum of Art is an art museum in the historic Italian Renaissance Villa of Waite and Genevieve Phillips. 
There are actually two locations, but we didn't have a chance to go to the downtown location, as we wanted to make sure we saw the incredible gardens in this location.

Admission is only $9 for adults and children are FREE.

The museum staff were so kind and came around to talk with the kids about the art pieces when they could see they were starting to get restless. 
There is a fun interactive dance floor on the main floor that they turned on to grab the kids attention for a little while.
Even my four year old ended up enjoying himself asking about the various pieces of art hanging on the wall.

After we finished up indoors, we went outside to explore the breathtaking gardens. 
The kids loved the fish in the ponds and all the beautiful flowers.

Enjoy some photos of our visit below, but I highly recommend you visit yourself one day.

For more info on The Phillbrook Museum of Art click HERE.


1 comment

  1. This was a great post about your family visit to Tulsa! The Philbrook Museum of Art sounds amazing, especially the gardens. We're also planning a family trip to Tulsa soon. Did you have a favorite part of your visit besides the Philbrook Museum?


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