Cozy Style & That Mama Hustle

This post contains affiliate links.

Hello, Hello.
It's a beautiful sunny September day and I'm trapped inside trying to recover from a sore hip and foot as a result of too much exercise in the wrong kinda shoes.
Sometimes, I forget to be kind to my body.
If I'm feeling tired - I need to rest.
If something hurts - I need to slow down. 
So, today instead of enjoying this gorgeous day, I'll be taking it easy in hopes of healing so I can walk without limping sometime this weekend haha.
I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite cozies that I wear to lounge around the house because my favourite joggers are on sale for a wicked good deal right now and there is a small shop that I've been dying to share with y'all. 

A few months back, Hannah of Shop Wild Blooms reached out to me asking to collaborate.
She is the sweetest new mama of a 14 month old baby girl trying to grow her business so she can be at home with her daughter.
Her story pulled at my heart strings because I know exactly what that hustle is all about.
Before I was able to monetize on this blog and take it on full time, I hustled HARD to be able to be home with my baby (eventually, babies).
When our oldest was just a baby I ran a home daycare and watched 3 other kids so I could be home with our baby girl. After a full day of home daycare,  Louis would get home from work, and I would head out the door to go work in a group home with adults with developmental disabilities so we could hustle and save all our pennies to buy our first home.
Hannah has the cutest tees with so many cute sayings - you all need to go check her out.
The cherry on top is that her tees are SO comfy too.
So the next time your looking to shop for a tee - check out her store and support this sweet entrepreneur mama! 

My fave joggers ever ( that I'm wearing in the photos above) are on sale for a steal so I've linked them and some other similar items to what I'm wearing for y'all to shop below!

Hope everyone has a great day! 



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