Urine trouble!
Get it ? Like your in trouble haha I thought that was pretty clever!
The other day I let Audrey fall asleep on our couch and the dreaded occurred. She peed all over the couch. I looked for advice on Pinterest on how to get the smell of urine out of furniture and couldn't really find anything useful.
I got some advice from other mama friends and here is what I came up with gathering all the advice and it worked!!
There is no smell of pee on my couch 1 day later!! Hooray!
Step 1 -
Blot Pee with paper towel to soak most of it up.
Step 2 -
Pour a cup of water over the pee and blot again.
Step 3-
Pour/spray 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of water on pee and repeat blotting
Step 4-
Rub 1/4 cup of baking soda into the stain and let it from a sort of paste
Step 5-
Let dry over night and vacuum the next day
Voila! There should be no smell of pee left :)
What tricks/tips do you have to remove the smell of urine from furniture?
Addition catheter into the urethral opening, up at roughly 30 degree point until urine starts to stream. Swell the inflatable gradually utilizing sterile water to the volume suggested on the catheter. Watch that youngster feels no torment. On the off chance that there is torment, it could show the catheter isn't in the bladder. If you want to know more, Please check out here - urinary drainage bag with anti reflux valve